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Acupuncture is the practice of using thin instruments to penetrate the skin, which are then stimulated through gentle movements of the practitioner’s hands or electrical means. This ancient practice originated from Traditional Chinese medicine, claiming the human body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points connected by pathways. Applying acupuncture to certain points is believed to improve the flow of energy or “Qi” throughout the body meridians to help with pain, relaxation, as well as overall health.
This is a common concern when it is actually filaments. These single-use filaments, which are actually thinner, are carefully inserted into specific points on the body. To ensure proper hygiene and safety, acupuncturists are required to use sterilized filaments which are disposed of after single use.
As with all medical procedures, acupuncture should not intentionally cause you pain. In fact, acupuncture is used to help relieve pain. Most acupuncture patients report feeling minimal pain. Some report that the procedure is energizing, while others report that the procedure is relaxing. Some even fall asleep during the procedure from being so relaxed. It is best that you inform Dr. Sadek of your concerns before moving forward with acupuncture.
As with all medical procedures, acupuncture should not intentionally cause you pain. In fact, acupuncture is used to help relieve pain, and most acupuncture patients report feeling minimal pain. It is imperative that the filaments are sterilized to prevent infection, and inserted properly to lessen the chance of pain. Some report that the procedure is energizing, while others report that the procedure is relaxing. Some even fall asleep during the procedure from being so relaxed.
In regards to chronic pain treatment, multiple studies have suggested that acupuncture can help ease chronic pain. Such pain mainly regards musculoskeletal conditions, including low back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritic knee pain, as well as broader categories such as arthritis, cramping, and sports injuries. Acupuncture can also reduce the frequency of migraines and tension headaches. The majority of acupuncture patients use the procedure as part of their regimen for chronic pain treatment.
While mainly used for chronic pain relief and to stimulate low energy, practitioners have prescribed acupuncture for a variety of other conditions such as:
- Cancer and the side effects of cancer treatment
- Face pain or other nerve discomforts.
- Problems with the immune system.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Menopause
- Infertility
- Discomfort during pregnancy
- Repetitive strain disorders
- Overuse syndrome
- Musculoskeletal pain
- Soft tissue pain and strain
- Arthritis & Rheumatoid arthritis
- Sports injury sprains and strains
As always, Dr. Sadek will provide a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment strategy to reduce chronic pain as much as possible. He will conduct a thorough consultation and examination to see if this treatment is the best option.
In a general sense, acupuncture works by targeting the acupuncture points, which may stimulate the central nervous system. The filaments will stimulate the body to react to a condition and its symptom, rebalance the body, and release natural chemicals that control nerve impulses and naturally alleviate pain. As a result, your body releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes may stimulate the natural healing abilities of your body to encourage physical and emotional well-being. Research is still being conducted as to the effects of acupuncture on the brain and body, as well as how to best measure them.
Prior to your consultation, it is important to share your medical history, including but not limited to, sleep habits, activity level, diet, mental health, and past or existing conditions. Sharing your history regarding chronic pain treatment is also important. For acupuncture in particular, this information will help the practitioner find any imbalances in your body. Based on the exam, the practitioner will proceed to select the appropriate points to insert the filaments. This treatment will not only cater to what’s bothering you, but to any other underlying conditions that could be contributing to your pain. As always, Dr. Sadek takes a holistic approach to examining your entire body.
You will then lie down or sit on a table, where the filaments will be inserted into various points on your body. These points are called meridians. Traditional Chinese medicine identifies these 14 meridians as energy channels in your body. The practitioner may dim the lights or put on quiet music to help you relax, and will check in frequently to ensure your comfort. A minimal electric stimulation may also be applied for the treatment. A typical acupuncture session can be 15 to 30 minutes depending on your treatment. For more information, set up an acupuncture consultation with Dr. Sadek today.
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- (833) 440-4325
- info@greenbergregen.com
- 101 S Bryn Mawr Avenue Suite 300a Bryn Mawr, PA 19010