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Labral Tear Of
The Shoulder
A labral tear can be difficult to diagnose. The labrum is a sturdy piece of cartilage that is attached to the glenoid bone, the rim of the shallow shoulder socket. The labrum acts like a gasket, to keep the ball of the joint in place. It runs adjacent to the curved humeral head. If the labrum is torn in an accident, or a tackle, the humeral head can pop out of the socket, dislocating the shoulder.
Volleyball and baseball players are prone to labral tears. The most common tears are SLAP (Superior Labrum from Anterior to Posterior) and Bankart tears which cause looseness toward the front of the shoulder. In most cases, a shoulder can be returned to the socket and strengthened with physical therapy. For acute tears, arthroscopic and open surgery may be necessary, but you should always explore regenerative options first.
The labrum region of the shoulder, like the meniscus can be regenerated non-surgically using appropriate methods such as those used by Doctor Greenberg. In 2018, Doctor Greenberg published the first knee meniscus regeneration treatment. The team used treatments of adipose-derived regenerative cells (ADRCs) and platelet-rich plasma to regenerate meniscus and repair a torn meniscus of the knee. They permanently eliminated a painful, chronic condition for the patient.
If you are an appropriate candidate for The Greenberg Method (TGM), Dr. Greenberg will treat your labrum tear by regenerating all of the integrated joint systems including the ligament and tendon attachments between the labrum and the rest of the shoulder and scapula. Dr. Greenberg’s team usually administers Platelet Rich Plasma and stem cells to regenerate torn labrum tissues. TGM naturally strengthen the whole shoulder system, not just one part of it. You may receive several injections over four to six weeks. Unlike surgical procedures, there is no protracted recovery time, the risk of infection is low and there is no risk of opioid addiction. Our team treats the whole YOU, that’s what holistic care means to us. We work to renew you physically and emotionally.
While the popping sound or grinding (crepitus) in your shoulder blade area may spook you a little, there is a non-surgical, regenerative solution for snapping scapulothoracic dysfunction. This is an injury that is typical of athletes, especially pitchers and quarterbacks. However, normal people can develop it as well. Often the cause of the pain is joint instability.
We are all aware of the upper joint connected to the scapula, the shoulder joint (glenohumeral). It gets most of the attention, especially among sports writers during baseball season. There is another joint system that connects the scapula to the spine and rib cage that few ever hear of. It is called the scapulothoracic joint. Like any joint system in the body, it can be destabilized especially by a rib injury, back injury, bursitis and overuse. There are even cases where muscular imbalance between muscle groups of your chest and back can cause the shoulder blade to ‘wing-out’ slightly, or move strangely when a pitch is thrown.
The pain in the shoulder blade area is usually not skeletal, it is often a joint issue, specifically irritation of the bursae around the scapulothoracic joint and weakening of area ligaments. To repair the instability in the joints, you need to regenerate the tissues that have been stressed, worn and torn thus causing the joint to loosen and snap. That’s where we come in. Regenerative treatments have been shown to be effective in fixing Scapulothoracic Dysfunction.
The long term success of Dr. Greenberg’s patients is attributed to a specialized approach to the examination process. Deemed “The Greenberg Method,” this diagnostic approach not only looks into the area of damage and pain, but also evaluates the mechanics and structure of the bone and joints related to the area of the pain. For instance, a labral tear can happen from excessive pulling of the bicep. Combined with scapulothoracic dysfunction, abnormalities in this region can contribute to damage and pain in the region of the labrum. In executing The Greenberg Method, Dr. Greenberg often discovers that conditions experienced in one area of the body are often rooted in a different area that hasn’t been treated before. While an isolated joint treatment ignores physiology and the evaluation of movement, The Greenberg Method’s full-body examination produces a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan. In return, the patient experiences a greater reduction in pain and improvement in function, which helps them get back on their feet to resume their daily routines, pain free.
Dr. Greenberg’s team will first perform The Greenberg Method including a review of your most recent radiographs. They will carefully examine and palpate your neck, back and shoulders to gain a comprehensive understanding of the kinetic integrity of the key kinetic systems along your thoracic spine, shoulders, neck and arms.
If you are an appropriate candidate for The Greenberg Method, Dr. Greenberg will treat your Scapulothoracic Dysfunction by regenerating the joint systems of the scapula. He will administer a healing and synergistic cascade of Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Stem Cell Treatments. Furthermore, even though he is an MD, Dr. Greenberg uses gentle manipulation techniques to help move the scapula into the proper position.
A typical treatment course may call for several injections performed every 3 weeks depending on the patient’s response. The treatments initiate natural healing processes, factors and cells that strengthen and renew sinews, ligaments, tendons, nerves and cartilage to stabilize the shoulder and scapulothoracic joints. If we find additional areas that may be causing pain, we will try to fix those too. As the entire structure of the scapula grows stronger, stability should return and pain and popping should dissipate.
The Greenberg Method is an excellent choice for those who are leery of invasive surgeries, concerned about infections, or worried about surgeries and recovery protocols that use opioid-based pain relievers that can result in addiction.
If you or a loved one is looking for a new strategy to treat chronic aches and pains, fill out the form on this page to schedule an appointment or call Dr. Greenberg’s office today at 833-440-4325.
Platelet Rich Plasma Prolotherapy for Rotator Cuff Tears, D. Alderman
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- (833) 440-4325
- info@greenbergregen.com
- 101 S Bryn Mawr Avenue Suite 300a Bryn Mawr, PA 19010