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Osteoporosis Of The Hips
Osteoporosis is a chronic metabolic bone disease that has no symptoms until a bone is broken. In 2020, more than 61 million women and men over 50 were affected by osteoporosis in the United States. 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 years, and 1 in 5 men had fractures related to osteoporosis in their lifetime. Some studies claim that the rate for women is closer to 1 in 2!
Fractures among the elderly can be significant and result in chronic pain, hip disability and death.
Broken hips related to hip osteoporosis have a 15-20% risk factor for mortality in the first year.
Between 20-50% of patients who have had a hip fracture will require nursing home care.
- Between 33-50% of women over 50 may develop osteoporosis
- 20% of men over 50 will develop osteoporosis
- Prevalence increases for men and women over 50
- Race, risks are higher among Caucasians or Asians
- Family history
- Small body frames are at higher risk
When you consider the prevalence of osteoporosis, it makes sense to pursue a preventative strategy especially if you are experiencing hip instability. Dr. Greenberg has been assessing and treating patients with osteoporosis of the hip for over twenty years using natural, regenerative treatments with excellent results.
The path to stronger hips starts with a Comprehensive Kinetic Diagnosis. Based on a comprehensive examination and review of all pertinent film and studies, Dr. Scott Greenberg will determine if you are a candidate for The Greenberg Method (TGM).
TGM is a proven method developed by Dr. Greenberg that treats your injured hip and any other affected muscles, joints and ligaments. The treatments initiate a natural, healing cascade that regenerates bone structures and cartilage and can improve bone density levels. TGM treats you holistically, renews you physically and seeks to rekindle a feeling of wellness so you become a healthier and happier YOU.
The long term success of Dr. Greenberg’s patients is attributed to a specialized approach to the examination process. Deemed “The Greenberg Method,” this diagnostic approach not only looks into the area of damage and pain, but also evaluates the mechanics and structure of the bone and joints related to the area of the pain. For example, a patient who comes in with a lower back problem explains that past treatment in the area has not brought any relief. However, after an examination of the back along with the pelvis, hips, knees, and feet via The Greenberg Method, Dr. Greenberg discovers that pelvic tilt is contributing to the patient’s pain. While an isolated joint treatment ignores physiology and the evaluation of movement, The Greenberg Method’s full-body examination produces a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan. In return, the patient experiences a greater reduction in pain and improvement in function, which helps them get back on their feet to resume their daily routines, pain free.
The Greenberg Method (TGM) uses Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments and Stem Cell Treatments. Dr. Greenberg may suggest one or a combination of the three. All three treatment modalities are excellent alternatives to pain management or surgery. They are natural and unlike current medications for strengthening bones, they have no serious adverse effects.
TGM treatments help your body’s natural healing factors and cells regenerate injured tissues and strengthen bone structures.
Stem cells play a key role in regenerating tissues and bones. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Stem Cells synergize the natural healing effects of prolotherapy by increasing the concentration of healing factors and stem cells in the vicinity of the injury. We apologize for the technicality of the following description but it will give you a sense of the unique potency of the TGM injections.
The TGM treatments that use Platelet Rich Plasma are derived from your own blood and concentrated by Dr. Greenberg’s team. They contain cytokines or healing factors such as Interleukin 8 and growth factors such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor (TGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF). All of these growth factors are part of a natural cascade of stem cells that include osteoblasts which help build bones and collagen. The osteoblasts counteract the osteoclasts which break down bone. There is a human factor called RANKL that generates osteoclasts, plus there is a type of damaged mitochondria identified in mouse models that may play a role in causing bone to break down in humans. There is a factor called A2M that blocks arthritic proteins, and IL-1RA which moderates rheumatoid arthritis.
The TGM treatments that use natural stem cells contain your own mesenchymal stem cells which are multipotent and can differentiate into osteoblasts to build bones; chondrocytes to build cartilage; and adipocytes to build fat. The presence of bone morphogenic proteins (BMP), transcription factors, exosomes and the orchestration by paracrine signaling all combine to give the stem cell cocktail its regenerative pop.
In addition, the recently identified skeletal stem cells (hSSC) which are also osteoblasts are at work. They can build bone, cartilage and stromal or connective tissues and are theoretically present in adipose and marrow derived stem cells.
What wasn’t theoretical was a 2013 clinical case in which a 65-year old woman who was trending toward osteoporosis was given a platelet-rich plasma treatment. She had moderate to severe hip degeneration. At a checkup a month after her PRP treatment, her pain symptoms were reduced by 85%, which was maintained through the last checkup of the study at eight months. Her DEXA bone density measurement of her femoral bone had improved by 12.2%. One of the objectives of the clinical case was to use PRP to improve her bone mineral density which was achieved.
If you or a loved one is looking for a new strategy to treat chronic aches and pains, fill out the form on this page to schedule an appointment or call Dr. Greenberg’s office today at 833-440-4325.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Bone Health and Osteoporosis: A Report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, MD: Office of the Surgeon General; 2004
An overview and management of osteoporosis; Sozin, Ozisk, Basaran;Eur. J. Rheumatology, 2017 Mar; 4(1): 46–56.
Intra-Articular Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Hip Injection May Result in Osteogenesis Depicted as an Increase in Femoral Neck Bone Density.; Ahmed, M.A. and Panagos, A. (2014) Open Journal of Regenerative Medicine, 3, 39-42.
Identification of the Human Skeletal Stem Cell; Chan, Gulati, Sinha, Weissman, Chang, Longaker, Cell, Vol.1, P43-56, Sept. 20, 2018
Intra-Articular Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Hip Injection May Result in Osteogenesis Depicted as an Increase in Femoral Neck Bone Density; Marwa A. Ahmed, Andre Panagos; Open Journal of Regenerative Medicine, 2014, 3, 39-42
Schedule an Appointment Today!
- (833) 440-4325
- info@greenbergregen.com
- 101 S Bryn Mawr Avenue Suite 300a Bryn Mawr, PA 19010