What Are Stem Cells?
Before we can understand their activators, we need to learn about stem cells. Stem cells are often thought of as the master cells of the human body or building blocks. They can rebuild tissue types like muscles, bones, cartilage, and more. Unfortunately, as we age there is a decrease in stem cell activity, which means the cells need something to give them a jumpstart called activators.
What Are Stem Cell Activators?
“Stem cell activators” is a general term used to describe anything that activates stem cells. These can be your diet, supplements, or overall lifestyle choices. Stem cells are important because they are responsible for regenerating and repairing damaged tissue throughout your body. Without activating stem cells, your tissues would never fully heal.
Research has shown that stem cells have been able to aid in treatments for diseases like cancer and Parkinson’s, and conditions like neuropathy, arthritis, dementia, traumatic brain and spinal injuries, and more. The job of stem cell activators is to get your stem cells moving when they become inactive.
What Do Stem Cell Activators Do?
Stem cell activators do exactly what their name leads on— they are responsible for activating your dormant stem cells. These activators are especially important for older adults or people with diseases because, as mentioned, stem cells become less active with aging, and disease and injuries can weaken their mobility.
While diet, exercise, supplements and the like can aid in the activation of your stem cells, there are also regenerative treatments such as stem cell therapy that helps to streamline tissue regeneration.
Types of Stem Cell Activators
Pill Supplements
Pill supplements for stem cell activation contain a wide range of ingredients, often including polygonum multiflorum extract, fucoidan, astragaloside IV, blueberry extract, Beta 1,3/1,6 glucan, L-carnosine, and more.
Each ingredient is designed to help activate stem cells, but their effectiveness is often debated due to there not being enough or any published clinical studies or scientific evidence proving they can prevent or treat medical conditions, such as cancer or diabetes.
Intermittent Fasting
Recent studies have linked stem cell activation with intermittent fasting. The act of short-term fasting triggers rapid cellular regeneration through fatty acid oxidation, specifically in the intestines. However, regeneration isn’t isolated to just the intestines– it affects your whole body. Being that this is a more recent finding, scientists, students, and medical experts are still learning new ways how fasting helps with stem cell activation.
Dietary Options & Choices
A healthy and balanced diet is one of the best ways to activate stem cells outside the interjection of medical therapies and treatments. Your diet should consist heavily of antioxidants such as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and goji berries.
Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, bok choy, garden cress or brussels sprouts also support stem cell growth and activation. These vegetables are full of a compound called sulforaphane, which boosts enzymes in the liver that counteract harmful toxins.
Exercise and Sleep
While having a balanced diet is important, your sleeping and exercising habits also play a key role in stem cell activation. Getting between 7-8 hours of sleep per night is ideal. Conditions such as sleep apnea and insomnia are detrimental to stem cell activity and can inhibit them by up to 50%.
IV Therapy
IV therapy is a very effective way to boost your immune system response and overall longevity. It allows vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to enter the bloodstream immediately. While the consumption of over-the-counter supplements restricts the body’s full absorption of the nutrients being given, IV therapy allows vitamins and minerals to flow directly into the bloodstream; instead of requiring the stomach and liver to break down the compounds that are taken orally, IV nutrients are sent directly into the blood cells to be absorbed. It is quickly becoming the go-to option for those who are serious about their overall health.
IV Therapy can be used to help treat a wide variety of conditions, including migraines, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasms, chronic sinusitis, autoimmune disease, asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, Lyme disease, and macular degeneration. Additionally, Dr. Greenberg can work with oncologists to coordinate holistic care with chemotherapy/radiation therapy.
Greenberg Regenerative Medicine offers IV Therapy treatments such as the Myer’s Cocktail, Chelation Therapy, High-Dose Vitamin C, and Oxygen Therapy.
Looking to enhance your stem cell health and improve the quality of your life? Schedule a consultation with Greenberg Regenerative Medicine’s team to determine a plan that is best suited for your needs.